here is so much pain to say so many things . i am now in …/ . …/ is not good place for live. …/ian people are not kind and are not good people with nature and themself even with themself
they kill the nature . kill the birds and fishes . they are unkind with humaniti and even everything .
i dont like these people and i want live freely among good people . …/ is not good place for live
maybe i die Tomorrow . but i never forgot where i borned . i born always in usa among good people . not here . im not a seller . i am not bussiness man or worker or money follower . i am free i live free and i will die freely
this is my zangi phon number .zangi is android app , you can setup it and send message to my even way directly : my private number : 10-9108-8087
read this send direct message by (.click here)